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I am Lei and I suck at writing. Starting decent introductions and closing meaningful conclusions create a big knot in my already tangled thoughts, that crafting a coherently written essay is close to impossible for me. My grammar is bad, my spelling, although spell checked, is sometimes off the hook, and my vocabulary is limited like a supply of sweet mangoes. Despite all these, my penchant for writing still offsets my liking for chocolate flavored ice cream, so I guess I have to continue this rubbish.
Most of my accumulated junks throughout my seven years of blogging are forever erased from history, and for that I have long ago bestowed my blame to my escape goat named Technical Glitch. Although I don't mind going back to scratch and start from square one again, I definitely prefer having a copy of my previous posts and enjoy scrutinizing how my writings were carelessly thought-out.
But, no matter how badly done my writings are, I am still a happy twenty-something because reading books, watching movies, squealing at kdramas, and writing about all of those (like forever) complete my day.
Did I already say that I'm boring too?
The end.